New Studies Currently in Progress
Because of the increased interest in hypnosis for medical issues, many new studies on this topic are currently in progress or recruiting participants. Here is a list of some of those (
Hypnosis to Perform Awake Intubation
Hypnosis to Improve Sleep In Menopause
Hypnosis, Self-hypnosis and Weight Loss in Obese Patients
Assessment of the Contribution of Hypnosis in the Tolerance of the Bronchoscopy
DVD-Based Training Program in Self-Hypnosis for Children (program for parents to use with their children to teach self-hypnosis techniques for inducing relaxation and hypnotic analgesia; these relaxation techniques can be employed to manage anticipatory anxiety, distress, and pain during an invasive medical procedure)
Hypnosis as a Potentiation Technique for the Interventional Treatment of Chronic Lumbar Pain
Hypnosis for Pain and Itch Following Burn Injuries
Conversational Hypnosis in Women Undergoing Imaging for Breast Cancer
Hypnotherapy in Treating Chronic Pain in Cancer Survivors
Effect of Hypnosis on Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
Self-hypnosis in Patients Awaiting Lung Transplantation
Pediatric Emergency Suture Care: a Trial Comparing the Analgesic Efficacy of Hypnosis Versus MEOPA
Improving Sleep Quality in People With Insomnia Using Hypnosis
Brain-Centered Therapy Versus Medication for Urgency Urinary Incontinence: Hypnotherapy Or Pharmacotherapy
Hypnosis Efficacy for the Prevention of Anxiety During a Coronary Angiography
Randomized Controlled Study of the Efficacy of Hypnosis Versus Relaxation and Control in Neuropathic Pain
Hypnotherapy vs. Probiotics in Children With IBS and Functional Abdominal Pain
Complementary Therapies (including hypnosis) in Spinal Fusion Patients
A Brief Laboratory-Based Hypnosis Session for Pain in Sickle Cell Disease